Are you tired of struggling with vision problems? Do you find yourself constantly squinting, straining, or reaching for your glasses throughout the day? If so, it may be time to consider a revolutionary solution: scleral lenses. These innovative contact lenses are gaining popularity as an effective and comfortable way to correct a wide range of vision issues. 

In this blog post, we will dive into what exactly scleral lenses are, discuss their numerous benefits, explore who can benefit from them, provide tips for getting fitted for these lenses at Dr. Shalini Jain’s Samyak Eye Care Clinic in Vaishali Ghaziabad and share how to properly care for them. 

So sit back, relax your eyes, and discover why scleral lenses might just be the answer you’ve been searching for!

What are Scleral Lenses?

Scleral lenses are a type of contact lens that can be used to correct various vision problems. Unlike traditional contact lenses, which sit on the surface of the eye, scleral lenses vault over the cornea and rest on the white part of the eye known as the sclera. This design provides numerous benefits for those with certain eye conditions.

Patients who have undergone surgical procedures such as corneal transplants or have conditions like keratoconus or severe dry eye syndrome may benefit from wearing scleral lenses. These specialized contacts offer improved comfort and visual clarity compared to other types of corrective measures.

Proper care is crucial when using scleral lenses. It’s important to follow your doctor’s instructions for cleaning, disinfecting, and storing them correctly. Regular check-ups are also necessary to monitor any changes in your ocular health while wearing these lenses.

Benefits of Scleral Lenses

  1. Improved Vision Quality: One of the major benefits of scleral lenses is their ability to provide clear and crisp vision correction for individuals with various eye conditions. These lenses create a smooth, even surface over the cornea, which helps to correct refractive errors like nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism.
  1. Comfortable Fit: Unlike traditional contact lenses that sit directly on the cornea, scleral lenses vault over the cornea and rest on the white part of the eye (sclera). This design allows for better oxygen flow to the eyes, reducing discomfort often associated with dry eyes or sensitive corneas.
  1. Protection for Sensitive Eyes: Scleral lenses act as a protective barrier between your delicate cornea and external irritants like dust particles or allergens. They can also help shield your eyes from harsh weather conditions such as wind or extreme temperatures.
  1. Longer Wear Time: Since scleral lenses hold a reservoir of saline solution against the eye throughout wear, they provide longer-lasting hydration compared to regular contacts. This makes them an ideal option for people who struggle with dry eyes or have difficulty wearing other types of contact lenses for extended periods.
  1. Enhanced Sports Performance: If you’re an athlete or enjoy participating in physical activities, scleral lenses can give you a competitive advantage by providing consistent visual acuity without worrying about lens movement or irritation during intense movements.
  1. Customized Solutions: Each person’s eye shape is unique; therefore, scleral lenses are custom-made according to individual measurements and specifications. This ensures a precise fit and optimal vision correction tailored specifically to your needs.
  1. Minimal Maintenance Required: Scleral lens care involves rinsing them before insertion and using recommended solutions for cleaning regularly. These low-maintenance aspects make them suitable even for those with busy lifestyles.

Who Can Benefit from Scleral Lenses?

Who can benefit from Scleral Lenses? If you have been struggling with various vision problems, such as keratoconus, severe dry eye syndrome, or irregular corneas, then scleral lenses may be the perfect solution for you. These specialized contact lenses offer a number of benefits that make them ideal for individuals who cannot wear traditional contact lenses or glasses.

People with Keratoconus

One group of people who can benefit from scleral lenses are those with keratoconus. This condition causes the cornea to become thin and cone-shaped, resulting in distorted vision. Scleral lenses provide a smooth and uniform surface over the cornea, correcting vision and improving visual acuity.

People with Dry Eyes Syndrome

Another group that can benefit from scleral lenses includes individuals with severe dry eye syndrome. Traditional contact lenses often exacerbate dryness and discomfort in these cases. However, because scleral lenses vault over the entire cornea without touching it directly, they create a reservoir of fluid that helps to keep the eyes lubricated throughout the day.

People with Irregularly Shaped Corneas

Additionally, people with irregularly shaped corneas due to conditions like post-LASIK ectasia or pellucid marginal degeneration can also benefit from wearing scleral lenses. By providing a custom fit and conforming to the unique shape of each individual’s eye, these lenses help improve vision clarity by optimizing light transmission onto the retina.

If you have any of these conditions or other types of refractive errors that cannot be effectively managed through conventional means like glasses or regular contacts, it is worth considering scleral lenses as an alternative option for clearer vision. Consult with an eye care professional to determine if scleral lenses are a good choice for your specific visual needs.

How to Get Fitted for Scleral Lenses?

Getting fitted for scleral lenses is a simple and painless process that will provide you with optimal vision correction. 

  1. The first step is to schedule an appointment with an experienced eye care professional, such as Dr. Shalini Jain at Samyak Eye Care Clinic in Vaishali Ghaziabad.
  1. During the fitting process, the eye care professional will carefully measure your eyes and assess their shape and size. This information is crucial for ensuring that the scleral lenses fit properly and comfortably on your eyes.
  1. Next, a series of trial lenses may be used to find the perfect fit. These trial lenses allow both you and the eye care professional to evaluate how well they correct your vision and how comfortable they feel.
  1. Once the ideal fit has been determined, custom-made scleral lenses will be ordered specifically for your eyes. These lenses are created using advanced technology to ensure precise measurements and a comfortable fit.
  1. After receiving your new scleral lenses, it’s important to follow all instructions provided by your eye care professional regarding insertion, removal, cleaning, and maintenance. Regular check-ups will also be scheduled to monitor any changes in prescription or lens fit.

By following these steps, you can get fitted for scleral lenses that address your unique vision needs while providing comfort throughout the day!

Tips for Taking Care of Scleral Lenses

Proper care and maintenance are essential to ensure the longevity and effectiveness of your scleral lenses. Here are some tips to help you take care of your lenses:

  1. Cleanliness is key: Before handling your lenses, always wash your hands thoroughly with mild soap and water. Avoid using products that contain oils, lotions, or fragrances as they can leave residue on the lens surface.
  1. Use recommended solutions: Only use cleaning solutions specifically designed for scleral lenses as other products may cause damage or irritation. Follow the instructions provided by your eye care professional regarding which solution to use.
  1. Cleaning routine: Rinse each lens with saline solution before inserting them into your eyes. After wearing, clean the lenses by rubbing them gently with a recommended cleaning solution using clean fingers or a soft brush.
  1. Storage case hygiene: Clean and dry your storage case daily to prevent bacterial growth. Replace it regularly according to the manufacturer’s guidelines.
  1. Avoid exposure to water: Remove your lenses before swimming or showering, as tap water can introduce harmful bacteria into the eye.
  1. Protect from damage: Handle your scleral lenses with care to avoid any scratches or tears in the lens material. Avoid dropping them onto hard surfaces and ensure proper storage when not in use.

Remember, always consult with your eye care professional about specific care instructions for maintaining optimal lens performance and comfort.

FAQs About Scleral Lenses

Are scleral lenses uncomfortable to wear?

No, scleral lenses are designed to be comfortable and provide clear vision. They are made from a breathable material that allows oxygen to reach the eye, reducing dryness and discomfort.

Do I need a prescription for scleral lenses?

Yes, you will need a prescription from an optometrist or ophthalmologist in order to get fitted for scleral lenses. A professional will evaluate your eyes and determine the best fit and prescription for your specific needs.

Can I wear scleral lenses if I have dry eye?

Yes, many people with dry eye find relief with scleral lenses. The design of these lenses allows a reservoir of saline solution to be trapped between the lens and the cornea, providing continuous moisture throughout the day.

How long do scleral lenses last?

With proper care and maintenance, scleral lenses can last up to two years. It is important to follow your eye care professional’s instructions on cleaning and storing your lenses to ensure their longevity.

Can anyone wear scleral lenses?

Scleral lenses can benefit individuals with various vision problems such as keratoconus, irregular astigmatism, severe dry eye syndrome, corneal scarring, and post-surgical complications. However, it is crucial to consult an eye care specialist who can assess whether you are a suitable candidate for this type of lens.


If you are experiencing vision problems and have not found success with traditional contact lenses or glasses, scleral lenses may be the solution for you. These specialized lenses offer numerous benefits such as improved comfort, clearer vision, and relief from dry eye symptoms.

At Dr. Shalini Jain’s Samyak Eye Care Clinic in Vaishali Ghaziabad, we specialize in fitting and prescribing scleral lenses. Our team of experts will take the time to assess your specific needs and ensure that you receive a custom-fit lens that meets your individual requirements.

By opting for scleral lenses at our clinic in Vaishali Ghaziabad, you can trust that you are receiving top-quality care from experienced professionals who prioritize your visual health.

So don’t let vision problems hold you back any longer. Schedule an appointment at Dr. Shalini Jain’s Samyak Eye Care Clinic today and discover how scleral lenses can transform your life by providing clear, comfortable vision and relief from dry eyes.

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