If you’re exploring options beyond traditional contact lenses, then you’ve come to the right place. Scleral lenses are here to revolutionize the way we see – quite literally. We’ll dive deep into everything you need to know about scleral lenses in India. From how they work to debunking common myths, consider this your ultimate guide on all things scleral lenses

Let’s embark on a journey towards better eye health together!

What are Scleral Lenses?

Scleral lenses are a type of contact lens known for their large diameter, covering the entire sclera (the white part of the eye). Unlike traditional contacts that sit on the cornea, scleral lenses vault over it, creating a smooth optical surface. This unique design is especially beneficial for those with irregularly shaped corneas or specific eye conditions.

Due to their size and shape, scleral lenses are more stable on the eye compared to standard contacts. They hold a reservoir of fluid between the lens and the cornea, providing continuous hydration and comfort throughout wear. This makes them an excellent option for individuals struggling with dry eyes or discomfort from other types of lenses.

In addition to vision correction, scleral lenses can also help improve visual acuity by compensating for refractive errors like astigmatism. Their customized fit ensures optimal clarity and sharpness, making them a versatile solution for various eye issues.

How Does Scleral Lenses Work?

Scleral lenses work by creating a fluid-filled vault over the cornea, which helps in correcting vision and providing comfort to those with irregular corneas or dry eyes. These lenses are larger than traditional contact lenses and rest on the white part of the eye known as the sclera.

The space between the back surface of the lens and the front surface of the cornea is filled with saline solution, ensuring that the cornea remains moisturized throughout wear. By maintaining this reservoir of fluid, scleral lenses provide clear vision by compensating for any irregularities on the surface of your eye.

Due to their size and design, scleral lenses don’t move around like conventional contacts, making them a stable and comfortable option for individuals struggling with other types of corrective eyewear. This stability also reduces friction and irritation typically experienced with smaller lenses.

Benefits of Scleral Lenses

Scleral lenses offer a range of benefits to those with certain eye conditions. These specialized lenses are larger than standard contacts, resting on the sclera rather than the cornea. This unique design provides comfort and stability for individuals with irregular corneas, dry eyes, or other complications that make traditional contacts uncomfortable.

One major benefit of scleral lenses is their ability to improve vision quality by creating a smooth ocular surface. By vaulting over the sensitive cornea, these lenses protect it from friction and irritation while providing crisp and clear vision correction. 

Additionally, the space between the lens and the cornea acts as a reservoir for fluid, keeping the eyes lubricated throughout wear.

Moreover, scleral lenses can enhance comfort for users dealing with severe dry eye syndrome. The liquid reservoir beneath the lens helps maintain moisture levels on the ocular surface, reducing discomfort and irritation associated with chronic dryness. 

These unique benefits make scleral lenses a valuable option for individuals seeking improved vision quality and enhanced comfort in their daily lives.

Process of Getting Fitted for Scleral Lenses

The process of getting fitted for scleral lenses is a personalized journey tailored to your unique eye shape and needs. It begins with a comprehensive eye examination by an experienced optometrist or ophthalmologist specializing in specialty contact lenses.

During the fitting process, precise measurements are taken to ensure the scleral lenses fit comfortably and securely on your eyes. These lenses are larger than traditional contacts, covering the entire cornea and resting on the whites of your eyes (sclera) for enhanced stability.

Once the right fit is determined, you will receive thorough instructions on how to insert, remove, clean, and care for your scleral lenses. Follow-up visits may be scheduled to monitor your progress and make any necessary adjustments for optimal vision correction.

Patience is key during this process as it may take some time to adjust to wearing scleral lenses. However, many patients find the initial effort well worth it for improved comfort and visual acuity.

Cost Comparison with Other Types of Contact Lenses

When it comes to the cost of contact lenses, many factors come into play. Scleral lenses are known for their larger size and custom design, making them slightly more expensive upfront compared to traditional contact lenses. However, the value they provide in terms of comfort and visual acuity often outweighs the initial cost.

On the other hand, daily disposable or monthly soft contact lenses may seem more budget-friendly at first glance. Still, when considering long-term usage and potential replacements due to wear and tear, the costs can add up over time.

It’s essential to weigh your options carefully based on your eye care needs and lifestyle. While scleral lenses may have a higher price point initially, their durability and exceptional vision correction capabilities could make them a worthwhile investment in the long run.

Common Misconceptions About Scleral Lenses

Despite their growing popularity, scleral lenses still face some common misconceptions that prevent people from considering them as a viable vision correction option.

One of the most prevalent myths is that scleral lenses are uncomfortable to wear. However, with advancements in technology and personalized fittings, many users find them to be extremely comfortable and easy to adapt to.

Another misconception is that only people with severe eye conditions can benefit from scleral lenses. In reality, they can help individuals with various eye issues such as dry eyes, keratoconus, and astigmatism achieve improved vision quality and comfort.

Some also believe that scleral lenses are difficult to maintain compared to other types of contact lenses. While there may be a learning curve initially, proper care instructions provided by your eye care specialist can make wearing and caring for scleral lenses hassle-free.

Is Scleral Lenses the Right Choice for You?

Are you struggling with vision problems that conventional contact lenses can’t solve? Scleral lenses might be the solution you’ve been looking for. These specialized lenses are larger in diameter, covering a larger portion of your eye compared to traditional contacts.

Scleral lenses are particularly beneficial for individuals with dry eyes, keratoconus, corneal irregularities, and other eye conditions that make wearing standard contacts uncomfortable or impractical. By resting on the sclera (the white part of the eye), these lenses create a fluid-filled layer over the cornea, providing clear and comfortable vision.

If you’re tired of dealing with discomfort from regular contact lenses or unsatisfied with your current visual correction options, it may be time to consider scleral lenses. Consult an experienced eye care professional like Dr. Shalini Jain at Samyak Eye Care Clinic in India to determine if scleral lenses are the right choice for your unique needs and lifestyle.

FAQs About Scleral Lenses

Q: Are scleral lenses uncomfortable to wear?

A: Scleral lenses are designed to provide comfort, with a liquid reservoir that keeps the eye hydrated.

Q: Can I wear scleral lenses if I have astigmatism?

A: Yes, scleral lenses can correct astigmatism effectively.

Q: How often do I need to replace my scleral lenses?

A: Scleral lenses can last up to 1-2 years with proper care and maintenance.

Q: Will insurance cover the cost of scleral lenses?

A: Some insurance plans may cover a portion of the cost, so it’s worth checking with your provider.

Q: Have more questions about scleral lenses? 

Consult with Dr. Shalini Jain’s Samyak Eye Care Clinic for personalized guidance.


Scleral Lenses are a game-changer for individuals with various eye conditions in India. With their unique design and benefits like improved comfort, vision correction, and moisture retention, they offer a viable solution where traditional contact lenses may fall short. 

If you’re considering Scleral Lenses for your eye care needs, consult with experts like Dr. Shalini Jain at Samyak Eye Care Clinic to explore the best options available in the market tailored to your specific requirements. 

Embrace the advancements in optometry and give your eyes the care they deserve with Scleral Lenses.